Student Grievance Redressal Cell

Student Grievance Redressal Cell

Mr. Harishchandra Bhila Patil

Mr. Harishchandra Bhila Patil

Coordinator - Student Grievance Redressal Cell

As per the UGC Notification No. 1406982/2018, Grievance Redressal Committee is reconstituted in the college during the academic year 2018-2019 with the objective of resolving of grievance of the students and parents and others. Online grievance form is available on college web side. Full text is available on our website, and with the OS in the college office.

Sr.No. Name of the Member Position Mob No
1 Prof. Dr. D. R. Patil Chairperson 9922553765
2 Prof. Dr. H. B. Patil Co-ordinator 9421524805
3 Prof. Dr. M. C. Agale Member 9423718792
4 Prof. Dr. R. C. Bhavasar Member 9372579948
5 Prof. D. E. Chavan Member 9423712668
6 Prof. Dr. Harshada R. Patil Member 9765312547
7 Prof. Pratima D. Shravagi Member 9067097921

The purpose of the student Grievance Redressal Committee is to hear, investigate, and resolve a student complaint, grievance, or conflict. Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the department members in person, or in consultation with the head of the institute. In case the person is unwilling to appear in self, grievances may be dropped in writing at the letterbox/ suggestion box at library hall.

Student Grievance Redressal Policy

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Student Grievance Redressal Cell Policy Download

To promote the welfare of students, R. C. Patel Arts, Commerce and Science, college has a robust mechanism for handling student grievances related to academic and non-academic matters. Academic Matters The grievances related to academic matters like Admissions, Internal Assessment and Examinations are addressed by specific committees designated for this purpose.


  • To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.
  • To accept the genuine grievances from the students and suggest remedial measures to solve in the stipulated period of time.
  • The grievance redressal committee of the institution shall monitor status and progress of grievance redressal and shall furnish report on Grievance Redressal position to the principal.
  • The committee ensures effective solution to the students grievances with an impartial and fair approach.
  • It also encourages the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.


  • To provide the students access to immediate, hassle free recourse to have their Grievances redressed.
  • To enlighten the students on their duties and responsibilities to access benefits due under the policies.
  • To establish structured interactions with students to elicit information on their expectations.

Working of the committee

  • A student lodges a complaint through complaint box or directly approaches to the cell members or fills form online at website
  • The issue is taken for consideration in the GRC meeting.
  • If the grievance found correct and true, the committee directs related department or person to take measures.
  • It is ensured that the grievances are resolved in time impartially and confidentially.

Measures to avoid grievances

  • Induction programs.
  • Sensitization of students during lectures and practical sessions.
  • Inculcating human values among the students through extracurricular and curricular activities.
  • Inducing the critical thinking through guest lectures and talks.
  • Through activities of student council, students clubs etc.

Other activities of the cell

  • To arrange the time-to-time meeting of the cell.
  • To maintain and update the proceeding book and the minutes of the meetings.
  • To participate in the meeting, programs related to student grievance organized by university / other colleges.
  • To communicate the activities of the cell to various stakeholders.