Political Science Department Library

Departmental Library

The Department of Political Science has its own library. It is associated with the main library of the college. Textbooks, reference books, dictionaries as well as research papers are available to help students.


  • To make books easily available for reading to the students of the Department of Political Science.
  • Encouraging students to read through internet.
  • To develop thinking, creative, skills and vision in students.


Sr.no Book Name
1. Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar - The constitution of India, (Edi. 2011)
2. BasuDurga Das - Introduction to the constitution of India, New Delhi, Print ice - Hall of India
3. Ram Joshi - Marina Pinto, Louis D’ Silva, The Indian Constitution and its working. Bombay Orient Longman.
4. Phadke Y.D. & S. Shrinivas - The Indian Constitution, Himalayan Publishing Co., Girgaon
5. Johari J.C. - Indian Political System, Anol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
6. M.N. Srinivas - ‘Social change in Modern India’, Bombay, Allied Publishers.
7. R. Kothari - Politics in India, Delhi, Orient Longman, 1970
8. D.D.Basu - An Introduction to Indian Constitution, Delhi.
9. S. Kothari - Social Movement and the Redefinition of Democracy, Boulder, Colorado West view Press, 1993
10. J. Donnelly - The Concept of Human Rights, London, Croom Helm, 1985.
11. J. Borwnlie - Basic Documents of Human Rights, 2nd Edn., Oxford, The Clarendom Press 1992.
12. Geol S.R. - Right to Information and Good Governance. Deep and Deep Publication Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2007
13. Dr.Manohar T. Patil - Panchayat Raj, Democracy and Development in India, Chandralok Publication, Kanpur - 21
14. Dr.PramodPawar - Indian Constitution Chandralok Publication, Kanpur – 21
15. Dr.SambhajiPatil - Local Self Government, Chandralok Publication, Kanpur - 21 16.Dr.Bhaskar Bhole - Indian Polity,VidyaPub,Nagpur.
16 Dr.V.N.Ingole/V. L.Yarande - Indian Polity &Government,KalpanaPub,Nanded.
17 Dr.PramodPawar/Vijay Tunte - An Introduction to Indian Constitution,PrashantPub,Jalgaon.
18 Bhargava, R and Acharya, A. : Political Theory an Introduction (eds.) New Delhi, Pearson Longman
19 Jhohari J.C. : Comparative Political Theory.
20 Mahajan V.D. : Political Philosophy
22 Coker R.C. : Recent Political Thought
23 Mishra K.K. : Modern Political Theory
24 Varma S.P. : Modern Political Theory
25 Ramaswamy S. : Political Theory, Ideas and Concepts
26 Barker Earnest : Principle of Social and Political Theory