Physical Education and Sports Infrastructure and Facilities

Infrastructure & Facilities

Institute has spacious sports facilities for indoor and outdoor sports. Institute has appointed full time physical director for guidance and to take care of regular sports activities.

Institute has playground for outdoor games like Cricket, Football, Athletics, Softball, Rugby & playground(on sharing basis) for outdoor games Kho-Kho, Handball , Volleyball and Kabaddi. Institute has provided sports facilities(on sharing basis) for indoor games like Chess, Table Tennis, Badminton, Power lifting, Fencing, Jump rope and Best Physique.

Students of the Institute have regularly participated in various sports competitions at various levels like Inter-collegiate, Inter- Group, Inter-University, District level, State level, National, and International level.

Specification of Play Ground as follows : Area / Size - 4160.58 SQ.M.

List of outdoor facilities

Sr. No. Games Area Facility
1.        Football 102m*68m Playground (01)
2.        Cricket 70 Yards Playground (01)
3.        Rugby 100m*70m Playground (01)
4.        Softball Adequate area Available Playground (01)
5.        Volleyball 9m*18m Playground (01)
6.        Kho-Kho 29m*16m, 25m*14m Playground (02)
7.        Kabaddi 13m*10m, 12m*10m Playground (02)
8.        Handball 40m*20m Playground(01)
9.        Athletics 200m Track Playground(01)
10.    Ball Badminton 12m*24m Playground(01)
11.    Badminton Court 13.40m *6.10m Playground(01)
12.    Gymnasium 300.00 Sq. meters Well Equipped
13.    Table Tennis Adequate area Available Playground(01)
14.    Chess Adequate area with Setting agreement Adequate area
15.    Fencing Adequate area with Sports Kit Adequate area
16.    Carom Adequate area with Setting agreement Adequate area

Specification of Play Ground as follows:

Sr. No. Name of the Sports Name of Equipment’s
1.        Football Stud, Stoking, Football, Referee flag, Corner flag.
2.        Cricket Ball, Bat, Batting Glows, Batting Pad, Helmet, Wicket kipper Glows, Wicket kipper Pad.
3.        Softball Glows, Slugger, Ball, Helmet
4.        Rugby Ball, Helmet
5.        Baseball Ball, Glows.
6.        Short Put Men & Women
7.        clapper Running Start
8.        Relay Relay better
9.        Badminton Racket, Shuttle
10.    Ball Badminton Racket, Ball
11.    Table Tennis Racket, Ball
12.    Chess Chessboard
13.    Carom Carrom Board
14.    Handball Ball
15.    Basketball Ball

College Play Ground

Football Ground :

Marathon :

Cricket Ground :

Rugby Ground :

Volleyball Ground :

Softball Ground :

Athletics :

Handball Ground :

Kabaddi Ground :

Kho-kho Ground :

Badminton :

Chess :

Basketball Ground :