Library At A Glance

Library At A Glance

Sr. No. Title Details
1. Floor area of the library 235.8 sq. m.
2. Total Collection (Print Books)
Title 13390
Volumes 26842(As on 31/03/24)
Reference 14736
Textbook 12106
Book Bank 728
Total Cost Rs. 85,25,381/-
3. Total Subscribed Journals
3.1. Print Journals 36(National/International)
3.2. Print Magazines 38
3.3. Online Journals 6000+ (under N-List)
3.4. Online E-books 31,35,000+ (under N-List)
4. CD / DVD ROMs 158
5. Thesis 46
6. Bound Volume 378
7. Method of Classification D.D.C.
8. Method of Cataloguing OPAC
9. Library Automation Libman Software
10. Seating Capacity 100 chairs
11. Library Services Available
Books Lending Service
Reference Service
Book Bank Service
Reprographic Service
Internet Based Service
User Services
Plagiarism Detection Service