Incubation Centre

Incubation Centre

An incubation center offers a comprehensive and integrated range of support, including networking opportunities, space, mentoring, training programs, and ahost of other advantages. Students can gain first-hand experience in entrepreneurship through an incubation centre, which also helps the institute foster innovation-driven activities.

In today's competitive and rapidly changing world, an incubation centre is essential, just as it is impossible to imagine a college without a library or a space for physical exercise. Students receive practical experience in innovation and entrepreneurship through the incubation centre, where they are supported and encouraged by academic staff, management, and professionals in the field.

It serves as the centre for cutting-edge, highly significant endeavours in the commercial, educational, and social spheres. It aspires to revolutionize what and how college students learn and accomplish. Students will benefit from it in achieving their greatest goals.


β€œTo establish and maintain an effective system of support for scientific and entrepreneurial endeavours"


  • To create jobs, wealth, and business aligning with national priorities.
  • To promote new technology/knowledge/innovation-based startups.
  • To provide a platform for speedy commercialization of technologies developed by the host institution or by any academic/technical/R&D institution.
  • To build a vibrant startup ecosystem by establishing a network between academia, financial institutions, industries, and other institutions.
  • To provide cost-effective, value-added services to startups like mentoring, legal, technical, intellectual property-related services.

The mission for the proposed activities is:

  • To develop a full-fledged ecosystem for supporting entrepreneurial ideas.
  • To inculcate the entrepreneurial skills among budding innovators.
  • To provide assistance in developing innovative products and support technology transfer.
  • To improve indulgence of women in innovation
  • To develop collaborative and self-sustaining network amongst students, faculties, researchers, entrepreneurs, government agencies and service providers.

Type of services offered

  • Mentoring Support
  • Pre-Incubation Facility Support (Idea to Prototype and Innovative Business Plan Development)
  • Incubation Facility Support (Innovative Business Model to Startup and Market Linkage & Growth Stage)

Facilities and Services for Innovators and Entrepreneurs

  • Access to Expert/Mentor/Advisory Service Support for One to One Mentoring/Advisory.
  • Access to Knowledge Resources (Paid and Non-Paid) e-Library and Library at Institute.
  • Access to Tools & Machinery at Advance Lab for Use.
  • Access/Logistic Support to take part in theme Related Competition /Conference /Seminar etc.
  • Accommodation Facility at Institute/Centre.
  • Idea/Innovation Validation Consultation and Expert Services
  • IP/Patent Filing Support – Expert Access and related Funding
  • Organize of Seminars/Conference/Symposium in the Areas of Innovation/IPR/Startup
  • Organize Training and Skill Development in the Areas of Innovation/IPR/Startups
  • Training and Skill Development in the Area of Innovation, IPR and Startup