DVV Clarifications

DVV Clarifications

Extended Profile Clarifications

Extended ID Findings of DVV Download
1.1 Please provide appropriate admission approval documents which is received from the university for the assessment year. Also provide year wise list of students approved by the affiliating university. 1.1
2.1 Please provide a list of total full-time teachers in the past five years including their department. (Kindly make sure there are no duplicate entries). This information should be verified by the principal or a competent authority. 2.1
2.2 Please share a list of all full-time teachers, including their department, during the assessment period. This list should be verified by the principal or a competent authority. 2.2
3.1 Kindly provide document that includes an audited financial statement certified by the Principal and a Chartered Accountant (for privately funded institutions), emphasizing the salary expenses, depreciation, and excess of income over expenditure Additionally, there should be a separate statement highlighting total expenditure, excluding salaries, for each year, (Document should be certified by the Principal and Chartered Accountant.).
1. Updated_3.1
2. Grant Audit Report 2018-19
3. Non Grant Audit Report 2018-19
4. Grant Audit Report 2019-20
5. Non Grant Audit Report 2019-20
6. Grant Audit Report 2020-21
7. Non Grant Audit Report 2020-21
8. Grant Audit Report 2021-22
9. Non Grant Audit Report 2021-22
10. Grant Audit Report 2022-23
11. Non Grant Audit Report 2022-23
12. Separate statement highlighting total expenditure excluding salaries for each year

Metric Level Clarifications

Metric ID Findings of DVV Downoad
1.2.1 Please provide information about each program, including its name, duration of the program, a list of students who have enrolled along with name and signature of students, curriculum of the program and assessment procedures year by year.  
1. Certificate course code list with duration
2. Certificate Course 2018-19
3. Certificate Course 2019-20
4. Certificate Course 2020-21
5. Certificate Course 2021-22
6. Certificate Course 2022-23
7. Value Added Course Code list with duration
8. Value Added Course 2018-19
9. Value Added Course 2019-20
10. Value Added Course 2020-21
11. Value Added Course 2021-22
12. Value Added Course 2022-23
1.2.2 Please provide a list of students enrolled in the program, categorized by each year as described in 1.2.1. Also share attendance records for participating students, along with certificate.  
1. Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate & Value added courses
2. Certificate Course 2018-2019
3. Certificate Course 2019-2020
4. Certificate Course 2020-2021
5. Certificate Course 2021-2022
6. Certificate Course 2022-2023
7. Value Added Courses 2018-2019
8. Value Added Courses 2019-2020
9. Value Added Courses 2020-2021
10. Value Added Courses 2021-2022
11. Value Added Courses 2022-2023
1.3.2 Share list of students with work information like their job title, workplace, and duration of internship. Also attach completion certificates of internships or project work from the organisation where it was done. Additionally provide the link to the report on fieldwork or share sample photos from the fieldwork or permission letter.  
1. Number of Student undertaken project work, field work, internship year-wise
2. Student List 2018-2019
3. Student List 2019-2020
4. Student List 2020-2021
5. Student List 2021-2022
6. Student List 2022-2023
7. Sample Project 2018-2019
8. Sample Project 2019-2020
9. Sample Project 2020-2021
10. Sample Project 2021-2022
11. Sample Project 2022-2023
1.4.1 Please share filled in feedback forms from the minimum of two stakeholders i.e Students, teachers, employers or alumni. Stakeholders’ feedback analysis report. Also provide a report on the actions taken in response to the feedback. Also include the documents that demonstrate communication with the affiliating university for the feedback period.  
1. Filled in Feedback forms_2018-19 (All 5 stakeholders)
2. Filled in Feedback forms_2019-20 (All 5 stakeholders)
3. Filled in Feedback forms_2020-21 (All 5 stakeholders)
4. Filled in Feedback forms_2021-22 (All 5 stakeholders)
5. Filled in Feedback forms_2022-23 (All 5 stakeholders)
6. Letters of Communication of feedback to University Authorities
2.1.1 Please share the documents that show permission/sanction on intake for enrolling first year students from the university, Government, or relevant statutory body. Also share list of approved admission for each year, specifically for first year students, categorized by their chosen programs, as provided by the affiliating university.  
1. Sanction letters on intake for student enrollment from University
2. Programme-wise list of first year students issued by Affiliating University
2.1.2 Provide a letter from the state or central government, in English indicating the reserved categories as per state rules. Also, Information on the number of seats reserved for different categories for each year. Share an admission record, submitted annually to the state OBC, SC, and ST cell for first-year students, with the principals seal and signature.  
1. Gujarati Linguistic Minority Letter issued by State Government
2. Programme-wise student number admitted from the reserved categories for last 5 years
2.2.1 Provide the appointment letter of (Dr. Patil Arun Madhukar, Dr. Magare Pralhad Yadav, Dr. Bachhav Sanjay Gorakh, Dr. Jadhav Ramesh Dhanraj, Mr. Maheshwari Anand Jayantilal, Dr. More Anita Kisan, Mr. Shaikh Sajid Shaikh Altaf, Mrs. Pinjari Shabanam Chand, Mrs. Joshi Amruta Arvind,Miss. Dhabu Apurva Avadhut).   2.2.1
2.4.1 Please provide approval letters in English that reflects the number of authorized positions, including those sanctioned by management, from the appropriate authority.   2.4.1
2.4.2 Please submit a list of faculty members with their highest academic degrees for each academic session. Include details such as the university that awarded the degree, the subject of the degree, and the year it was granted. Please note that only Doctorate Degrees or Provisional Degree Certificates from universities recognized by the UGC will be accepted.   2.4.2
2.6.3 Result sheet published by the affiliating university. Also provide a verified report from the head of your college or from the examination controller at the university you are affiliated with, reflecting the percentage of students who have passed in their final year (final semester), categorized by degree programs and years.  
1. Verified report from examination controller of University reflecting pass percentage of students
2. Student Result Ledgers issued by University_2018-19
3. Student Result Ledgers issued by University_2019-20
4. Student Result Ledgers issued by University_2020-21
5. Student Result Ledgers issued by University_2021-22
6. Student Result Ledgers issued by University_2022-23
7. Year-wise pass percentage of final year students by college COE
8. Pass Percentage of final year students during last five years
9. Programme-wise result analysis of final year students
3.1.1 Please provide a list of research project grants received in the assessment years. Include details about the award type, the agency that granted it, and the amount. Provide links to electronic copies of the approval letters also, provide the approval letters with the relevant information highlighted.  
1. List with the details of research project grants
2. Highlighted copies of approval letters of the grants
3.2.2 Submit brochures and geotagged photographs with dates and captions for workshops and seminars conducted. Also, provide a link to the detailed report for each program as in the provided template.  
1. 3.2.2_ An Updated Data Template
2. Detailed Updated Programme Reports (2022-23)
3. Detailed Updated Programme Reports (2021-22)
4. Detailed Updated Programme Reports (2020-21)
5. Detailed Updated Programme Reports (2019-20)
6. Detailed Updated Programme Reports (2018-19)
3.3.1 Please provide a direct link to the research paper, the journals website, and the URL of the content page if its a print journal.   3.3.1
3.3.2 Please submit the cover page, table of contents, and the first page of the chosen publication, along with a web link for books.  
1. An Updated Data Template
2. Proofs of Books, Chapters and Papers in conference proceedings (2022-23)
3. Proofs of Books, Chapters and Papers in conference proceedings (2021-22)
4. Proofs of Books, Chapters and Papers in conference proceedings (2020-21)
5. Proofs of Books, Chapters and Papers in conference proceedings (2019-20)
6. Proofs of Books, Chapters and Papers in conference proceedings (2018-19)
3.4.3 Please ensure that any uploaded photographs (Preferably with banners) and other relevant supporting documents are accompanied by clear captions and dates.   3.4.3
3.5.1 Provide copies of MoUs, collaboration agreements, or related documents that show the nature of collaboration and activities, sorted by year. Also, include a list of activities carried out under each MoU, along with their start and completion dates, signed by both parties for each year.   3.5.1
4.1.2 Please give the consolidated funds allocated for improving infrastructure facilities, certified by both the Principal and a Chartered Accountant (CA). Additionally, highlight the entries in the audited income and expenditure statement.  
1. A consolidated fund allocation statement for improving infrastructural facilities
2. Highlighted Audit Report Grant 2018-19
3. Highlighted Audit Report Non-Grant 2018-19
4. Highlighted Audit Report Grant 2019-20
5. Highlighted Audit Report Non-Grant 2019-20
6. Highlighted Audit Report Grant 2020-21
7. Highlighted Audit Report Non-Grant 2020-21
8. Highlighted Audit Report Grant 2021-22
9. Highlighted Audit Report Non-Grant 2021-22
10. Highlighted Audit Report Grant 2022-23
11. Highlighted Audit Report Non-Grant 2022-23
12. Percentage Calculated_Additional Information
4.3.2 Please provide invoices for computer purchases, and make sure to highlight the stock entry showing computers allocated for student use for the latest academic year.  
1. Invoices of computers purchased by the HEI
2. Stock entry of computers allocated to students
4.4.1 Please submit an audited income and expenditure statement. In this statement, highlight the expenditures related to the maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities, duly certified by the principal and Chartered Accountant (CA).  
1. Highlighted Audit Report Grant 2018-19
2. Highlighted Audit Report Non Grant 2018-19
3. Highlighted Audit Report Grant 2019-20
4. Highlighted Audit Report Non Grant 2019-20
5. Highlighted Audit Report Grant 2020-21
6. Highlighted Audit Report Non Grant 2020-21
7. Highlighted Audit Report Grant 2021-22
8. Highlighted Audit Report Non Grant 2021-22
9. Highlighted Audit Report Grant 2022-23
10. Highlighted Audit Report Non Grant 2022-23
11. Percentage of expenditure on maintenance of physical and academic support facilities
5.1.1 Please upload scholarship and free ship sanction letters (Dusane Kalyani Ishwar, Chaudhari Shubham Rajesh, Bagul Jayshree Haridas, Shinde Nitin Motiram, Nile Rohit Narendra, Marathe Bhavesh Anil, Patil Dipali Dilip, Bhamare Lalit Ranjit, Thakur Sahil Ashok, Rajput Harshal Narendrasing) in English. Also, provide a year-wise list of students in each program, attested by the competent authority. Provide the HEIs policy document for awarding non-government scholarships and free ships.  
1. Scholarship sanction letters highlighting the student names in DVV query
2. Year-wise list of students benefited by Scholarships
3. HEI's Policy Document for Non-Governmental Scholarships and Free-ships
5.1.2 Please provide a soft copy of the circular or brochure. Additionally, include web links to specific programs, schemes, or event reports. Attach photographs for each scheme or event, along with their dates and captions.  
1. Soft Skills_Updated Event Reports
2. Language and Communication Skills_Updated Event Reports
3. Life Skills_Updated Event Reports
4. ICT-Computing Skills_Updated Event Reports
5.1.3 Please submit an soft copy of the circular, brochure, or program report (program name). Include photographs with captions of these events along with information about the resource persons involved. Also, provide a year-wise list of students who attended these schemes, signed by a competent authority.  
1. Detailed and Updated Programme Reports
2. Year-wise list of students certified by Principal
5.1.4 Please provide evidence of the formation of internal committees, Grievances Committee, or other committee in accordance with UGC guidelines. Provide circulars, web links, or committee reports explaining the purpose of the metric. Additionally, share the minutes of meetings held by the student grievance committee, as per the metric.  
1. Evidence of formation of committees in accordance with UGC guidelines
5.2.1 Please provide appointment letter of (Priyanka Bhoi, Roshni Pawara, Tejas Sunil Patil, Dhananjay Deore, Priyanka Bhoi, Roshni Pawara, Akeef Manyar, Jadhav Pratik Sudhakar, More Shivani Rajendra, Nabeel Quazi, Banjara Shubham, Sharma Shubham) along with list of students who were placed, including their placement details, following the provided template for each year. HEI also upload links or documents related to the placement cell, such as brochures and partnerships. Upload supporting data for students who have pursued higher education during the assessment period in the specified format.  
1. Appointment Letters of students asked in DVV query
2. List of students placed during assessment period
3. List of students progressing to higher education
4. Higher Progression Proofs
5.2.2 Please provide year wiser list of qualified students under each category Please provide a qualifying certificate of (Patil Vijay Sunil, Pawar Swati Pramod, Joshi Amruta Arvind, Shirsath Leena Popatrao, Shirsath Sayali Anil, Pardeshi Harsha , Chavan Dipak Eknath, Patil Nilesh Madhukar ) who have qualified, categorized by year and type along with list of qualified students’ year- wise under each category.  
1. Year-wise list of qualified students under each category
2. Qualifying certificates of students asked in DVV query
5.3.1 Please upload electronic copies of award letters and certificates.  
1. List and e-copies of award letters and certificates of students in sports-cultural events
2. English versions of selection letters of students
5.3.2 Please upload an soft copy of the circular or brochure along with pictures that outlines these activities. Also, provide a list of events, including the list of participants for each event, organized by year, and signed by the principal.  
1. Updated Reports of Students’ participation in Sports events
2. Updated Reports of Students’ participation in Cultural programmes
3. Year-wise list of students participated in sports and cultural events
6.2.2 Kindly provide audited financial statements include institutional spending reports for e-governance leaders, links to the ERP system with screenshots of module interfaces showing the institutions name, an annual e-governance report approved by the Governing Council, and a policy document on e-governance.  
1. Institutional expenditure statement for the budget of e-governance implementation
2. Screen shots of module interfaces and links to ERP system of e-Governance
3. Annual e-Governance report approved by the Governing Council
4. Policy document on e-governance of the HEI
6.3.2 Provide document of (Dr.R.S.Pawar , Miss.H.R.Patil , Dr. A.M. Patil, Mr.Mahesh Patil, Miss.Kavita sisodiya , Dr. M.C.Aagle , Mrs.Rupali P. Agrawal , Miss. Bharti K. Ravatale , Mr. Jay E. Patil , Mr.Hemant Wagh ) contains the policy document link, e-copies of letters showing financial assistance to teachers, a list of supported teachers over the years, signed by the principal, and an audited financial statement highlighting this support.  
1. List and e-copies of proofs showing financial assistance to teachers asked in DVV query
2. Policy document on providing financial support to teachers
3. List of teachers provided with financial support approved by Principal
4. Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support
6.3.3 Kindly documents which include event brochures and reports for each year, e-copies of certificates for programs attended by both teaching and non-teaching staff, a list of participating staff in the specified format for the last five years, and annual reports showcasing the activities of teaching and non-teaching staff.  
1. List of teachers participating in FDP, MDP with event brochures and certificates_2018-19
2. List of teachers participating in FDP, MDP with event brochures and certificates_2019-20
3. List of teachers participating in FDP, MDP with event brochures and certificates_2020-21
4. List of teachers participating in FDP, MDP with event brochures and certificates_2021-22
5. List of teachers participating in FDP, MDP with event brochures and certificates_2022-23
6. List of Teachers participating in FDP, MDP approved by Principal
7. Annual Reports highlighting the programmes undertaken by the teacher
6.5.2 Kindly provide document that contains minutes from IQAC meetings, and an action report based on feedback analysis. Make sure to include the relevant links to supporting documents based on your selections.  
1. NAAC and AISHE Certificates
2. NIRF and Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) Result
7.1.2 Kindly share document contains links to the institutions policy documents, geo-tagged photos and videos of facilities with captions, purchase bills for equipment used in these facilities, and images of ramps, rails, lifts, wheelchairs, signage boards, toilets, software, and more.  
1. Policy Document on Green Campus and Plastic Free Campus
2. Geo-tagged photographs of facilities
3. Links for videos of facilities
4. Bills for the purchase of equipments for the facilities
5. Report of activities for the implementation of the initiatives
7.1.3 Kindly share document includes the institutions environmental and energy usage policy, action taken reports and achievements related to green campus initiatives, audit reports, a certificate from an external accredited auditing agency (preferably a government department of the affiliating university), geo-tagged photos with captions and dates, and any other supporting documents related to environmental initiatives beyond the campus.  
1. Policy Document on Environment and Energy uses and Green Campus
2. Action taken reports related to green campus initiatives
3. Achievements on Green campus initiatives
4. Green Audit Report 2020-21
5. Green Audit Report 2021-22
6. Green Audit Report 2022-23
7. Environmental Audit Report 2020-21
8. Environmental Audit Report 2021-22
9. Environmental Audit Report 2022-23
10. Energy Audit Report 2022-23
11. Certificates from external accredited auditing agency
12. Beyond the campus environmental promotion and sustainability activities
13. Geo-tagged photographs