Code of Conduct for Laboratory Assistant

Code of Conduct for Laboratory Assistant

1. To assist students and teachers in conducting practical and experiments.
2. To maintain dead stock register and register of consumable materials and to undertake physical stock verification of laboratory materials.
3. To assist them In charge of Laboratory in purchase and procurement of laboratory materials.
4. To supervise the work of laboratory attendants working under him.
5. To assist them In charge of laboratory in routine administrative matters and to ensure that the laboratory facilities are not misused by any person.
6. To report about breakages/losses in laboratory, to his superiors.
7. To report to In charge of laboratory about misbehaviors inside the laboratory.
8. To ensure that all the cupboards, doors, windows and gates are properly closed by the laboratory attendants.
9. To attend to such other duties as may be specially brought to his notice, with the approval of the Head of the Department.