Chemistry Student’s Association

Student Association : Orbit Club

The students have free access to all knowledge, good and bad, relevant and irrelevant, real and manipulated. If we stick to the old ways of teaching, we won't be able to prepare our students for the modern world or for the future. Students must be able to apply and abstract pertinent knowledge in order to solve problems and make contributions to society. In this setting, gaining knowledge through observation and then imparting that knowledge to students is now crucial. Any institution that is not connected to society will never be able to fully accomplish its goals. More specifically, when it comes to identifying and resolving issues, universities and society need to collaborate closely.It may not be entirely accurate, but scientific communication requires the active involvement of educators, students, and society at large in this day and age. This is capable of addressing a multitude of problems through recognizing and conveying global events and their significance to our society or way of life.

R. C. Patel A.C.S. College, Shirpur has successfully made numerous contributions to society in order to address the aforementioned challenges, and it is still making these efforts. The Department of Chemistry is taking an extra measure by forming Orbit Chemistry Club, which will take students outside of the traditional classroom and ensure their holistic development. The purpose of the club is to get students actively involved in order to develop their ability to observe in real-world situations and define problems. This will enable them to report their ideas in a clear and concise manner.

The Chemistry Club Establishment:

The year 2019 is 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements and has been proclaimed as the "International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT2019)" by the United Nations General Assembly and UNESCO. Dmitri Mendeleev was the major discoverer of the modern periodic table. To commemorate the contribution of this great scientist, the Chemistry Club has been named as ‘Orbit Chemistry Club’, so that future student communities of the region may be able to appreciate his contributions.

Club Activities and Objectives:

Enrollment drive

New club members from B.Sc. I will be enrolled during the first and second week of July every year.

Welcome Session

To introduce new members of the club, existing members will organize a welcome session during the 4th week of July every year. Selection/nomination of office bearers for the new academic session is also to be completed during this welcome session.

Wall Magazine

Wall magazine has been planned to be a regular activity of the club. Wall magazine provides a platform to students to express their scientific knowledge in a creative manner i.e. in the form of a visual, poem, poster or any other form. All the students are encouraged to display some interesting facts/latest happenings in the world of chemistry every month.

Student seminars

Students will be encouraged to give power point presentations on any scientific topic of their interest for discussion. This activity will definitely help in confidence building and will provide motivation for public speaking.

Celebration of Scientific events

Mole day – October 23
National Science Day – February 28

In-House Symposium

This one day activity aims at providing a platform for chemistry teachers from schools and colleges to share their views on certain chemistry education related challenges. The discussion will help in identifying the problem areas and suggest remedial measures to improve the overall chemistry education scenario.

Field visits and outreach activity

The activity will provide opportunity for the students to learn through experiences and first hand observation. Students will visit some industries or labs to learn how their theoretical/lab education can be put into action for society. Under outreach activity, students can also visit some rural schools or villages to organize awareness camps on science related issues.