Infrastructure and Facilities
The department has well-ventilated classrooms and most of them are equipped with multimedia smart board. The department also has a virtual classroom, well-equipped laboratories and each lab is equipped with the modern and latest equipment to provide good hands-on experience to students in all the areas of their curriculum and to facilitate research activities.
Instrument Facilities
- Analytical balance (RAD WAG)
- Digital balance (Citizen)
- Magnetic stirrer (Remi)
- Centrifuge machine
- Distilled water plant
- PH meter (Systronics 2, Equiptronics 1)
- Hot air oven (Pathak electronics)
- Colorimeter digital (HANS 1, Equiptronics 1 ,Systronics 2)
- M.P apparatus digital (Veego)
- I.R. lamp (Philips)
- Abbe Refractometer (Sipcon)
- Vacuum Filtration Assembly (Jet wat)
- Suction pump (Super fit)
- UV- Cabinet (Caution)
- Air Blow Dryer (Bajaj)
- Hot plate oven (Bio technique India)
- Flame photometer (Systronics)
- Refrigerator (Godrej)
- PH tester (Eutech and Oakton )
- Conductometer (Equiptronics-3,toshcon 1,Toshniwal 1,Systronics 1)
- Potentiometer(Equiptronics)
- Water bath
- Orbital shaker
- Vacuum Dry Oven (Bio technique India)
- Ultrasonic Bath (Borosil)
- (Other Resources: HPLC, UV and Laboratory Muffle Furnace Oven are available from other departments for our students.)
Software tools
- ISIS Draw
- ChemDraw
- ChemSketch
- Origin Pro 8
- Mendeley
- Turnitin Subscription through library
Healthy Practices
- Furnished Separate Cubical to teachers
- Intercom Facility to all Staff & Labs
- Conduct of Seminars/invited Lectures
- Remedial Coaching
- Counseling
- Inspire Fellow students guidance
- Field/ Industrial Visits
- Training for Placement
- RO System
- Computational Lab for students