Industrial Visit

Sahyadri Farms Nashik Industrial Visit

To propagate scientific temperament among the students, college always inspires a visit to research institutes or scientific places as an educational tour. Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology and Department ofTraining and Placement in Association with IQAC, RCPACS, Shirpur organized one day Industrial visit to Sahyadri Farms Nashik, Jay Biotech, Nashik and Sula Wine yards, Nashik on 29/03/2024forthe third year Students of Microbiology and Biotechnology. The tour was successfully organised by Dr. Mahesh Patil, Asst. Professor, from department of Microbiology and Biotechnology.

The visit was organized with the prior permission of The Principal, RCPACS College, Shirpur. Head of the Department Microbiology and Biotechnology, RCPACS College, Shirpuraccompanied the students for this industrial visit. Total 26 students had joined this industrial visit. At thesite, the team was guided by Mr. TusharWaghmare, who provided insights regarding the differerntstages like production of food products,Cold Storage Process Department, Food Processing Department, Collection, Sorting and Packaging Department, Retail Outlet etc. Students were briefed about the work culture and overall functioning of all the departments.Also provided brief description about its branches, revenue generation andmonitoring, layout of the plant, number of employees, benefits provided by the organization to theemployees, performance appraisal system, conflict resolution procedure, and safetymeasures for hazardous work, etc. Before leave we were served by guava fruit juice.